from the title un we already know what i wanna talk about ryte?
ok, first of all.. memorizing..
hm,, everyone have to memorize or even remember something in their life, ryte?
sumtime, we have to memorize all the terms in biology after we already understand it.
sumtime we also have to remember all the chemicals name, and yeap, physics formulas.
orh, ALLAH..
how it is so hard to be, ryte?
ok, talk about this, my memory is alhamdulillah, i can easily remember something actually.
but i have my own weakness too. hehe.
ok, just for share, especially to all of my friends yg sama sama mengharapkan kejayaan hidup di dunia n akhirat.
insya ALLAH :)
ok, firstly, i usually take an interest with what i have to learn or remember. when we have an interest of what we're studying, then we automatically will make an effort.. this is actually no doubt to say the reason why football fans can remember the goal, the dates in euro 2012.. haha ! n so one laa. this is becoz they have an interest with it, so they do focus on it consciously.
then, i usually form a mental picture. hehe, this kind of weird thing actually, but i'm weirdo. what to do? haha :) so maybe you too?.. when i have to remember the pathway of digestion, i make a cartoon stories in my brain. hm, i think of koko crunch, come into my mouth, have a play ground and then its will go to the intestine n finally zap zap zap, the final way of digestion.. and same goes to memorizing the name of chemical, lika Na0H, i called it as 'NAOH' since i like one of the hero in a movie, named Naoh.. HAHA. its make sense, ok ? :)
actually this one is similar with form a mental picture, but i use to call it as invent a story. haa ! this one is exciting ~ for example, time nak shopping tuu, tak ingat nak beli apa.. so, kita wat cite as, 'one day khakha the EGG woke up. he had a MILK and SUGAR for breakfast. then, he still feel hungry and he decided to buy a SPAGHETTI. :) actually this one is same like koko crunch's way an? haha.
orh ! this things are ve-ver-very important !
- dun forget to take a mental and physical exercise. even kita study cmne un, kalau tak sihat, susa awww. hm, cam one my study partner, fatin.. even dia demam un, dia still teman missCincau jogging. hmm, exercises an ley reduce stress. stress nii, is very harmful to our memory taww ! rasenya semua tawu tuu an? :) and yeap, for mental, i always do puzzles, crosswords.. tapi ada gax, my schoolmates dlu yang suka main sodoku..? ntalaa, tak taw nak eja cmn.. hehe :P
hmm, pena dgr org tua tua ckp ' make ike nii kuatkn minda'..? or ong puteh cakap, 'eating fish makes you brainy'. hm, tuu betul..scientists un da discovered that the fats found in fish like tuna, sardines, salmons, help to improve the memory. ehem, ada classmates yg cakap, all fats and oils are bad for the brain.. emm, nope actually ! olive oils, tuu baguz.. then, fats.. ade jek y baik, an? so try laa :) haa, ag 1.. mam madu n safron.. tuu insya ALLAH, betul betul berkesan. cam missCincau, pagi pagi before breakfast (padahal breakfast susu jek), minum air madu.. hmm, air madu, mmg favourite ! missCincau suka madu khaula. tak tawla korang. and, missCincau mam kismis n kurma everyday..
so trylaa k ? Rasulullah SAW un amalkan camtu, so kita un ikutlaa Baginda yea..? :)
hee ! bab nii, salahkan my abe - hero remaja tuu, Fattah Amin..
hm, he's the one who teach me to drink a coffee. dutch lady coffee tuu.. haa,ley gax kuatkan daya ingatan kita ngn coffee. mmg tak bguz sgt, tp cam exercise laa, it can increases our heart rate and sends more oxygen to our brain..
minum nescafe, tapi dun too much ! ley ade side effect.
cam missCincau, missCincau minum coffee ble rase ngantux jek.. and kalu tgh fresh, missCincau ag prefer chewing gums. coz actually chewing gums also has the same effect like coffee :)
ok, tuu jelaaa.
that's all the way how i remember and memorizing.
sometimes i make it a song too..
or, ada org y terlalu lembutttt hatynya, dorang suka dgr mozart..
tuu un boleyh !
emm, ag 1, missCincau un da try.. repeat things.. hm, kejap jek ley ingat. pastu lupa.
so a conclusion is, repeating things is not effective in long- term memory..
ehem, guys out there ! ingat birthday ur parents n family member aww !
coz it's d one way of appreciate others !
k, all d best !
psst, i dedicated this entry to A-L-L of my friends :)
semoga perkongsian nii memberi makna tux korang !
wassalam, the writer :)