thanks ALLAH..
atas setiap pertemuan yang KAU takdirkan bersama teman temanku..
sungguh, ku syukuri nikmatMU..
mengenali seseorang di atas takdirMU..
bersahabat dengannya kerana ukhuwah fillah..
menyayanginya seperti diriku sendiri..
for each person who have come in my life, alhamdulillah thanks!
you bring so much sunshine and loves in my life..
you hold my hands to always be in this right paths..
you take my heart honestly with doa and consequently..
you teach me to be a better muslimah..
i hope, truly hope that ALLAH will always bless you and guide you to the right paths always..
inshaa ALLAH..
to others, that bring me sadness, truly for you know,
i am orhkay and alhamdulillah, with what had happened, i teach myself to be redha and ikhlas..
you, the readers, you always make me happy and forever, my doa will always be with you..
thanks for coming here..
thanks for read this..
truly, may ukhuwah fillah till jannah..
wassalam :)